Biodiversity Project
The Town of Clinton engaged Hudsonia Ltd. to conduct a town wide habitat mapping project. The overarching goal of the project is to help land-owners and town agencies better understand our biological resources and develop land-planning strategies that promote development where it causes the least harm to sensitive habitats and species, protecting the most ecologically important areas. The results of this project were presented at the February 12th Town Board meeting by Christopher Graham of Hudsonia.
Significant Habitats in the Town of Clinton Report
Hudsonia Clinton Habitat Mapping Presentation
Hudsonia Transcript of Clinton Habitat Mapping Talk
Clinton Map, Entire Town
Clinton Map (north)
Clinton Map (southwest)
Clinton Map (southeast)
Streams and Watersheds Map
Generalized Bedrock Map
Significant Habitats
Contiguous Habitat Patches
Contiguous Forest Patches
Rocky Barrens and their 3,300-ft (1,000-m) Conservation Zones
Contiguous Meadow Patches
Acidic Bogs and Circumneutral Bog Lakes
Intermittent Woodland Pools
Buttonbush and Kettle Shrub Pools
Wetland Habitats
Streams and Associated Conservation Zones
Conservation Areas
Hudsonia, Ltd. Presentation Flyer
Introductory Flyer for Clinton Landowners
HABITAT DESCRIPTIONS – Click On Titles For Information
Circumneutral Bog Lake
Cool Ravine
Crest, Ledge, Talus
Intermittent Woodland Pool
Red Cedar Woodland
Upland Forests