Conservation Advisory Council (CAC)
Regular Meeting Schedule:
The CAC meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30pm on the 3rd Floor in the Masonic Hall in the Town Complex.
The Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) is a group of volunteers dedicated to the quality of Clinton’s natural environment.
The role of the CAC is to advise the Town Board, the Planning Board and The Zoning Board of Appeals on matters related to the natural environment. By providing a scientific perspective on land-use planning and decision-making, the CAC promotes wise use of the town’s natural resources and contributes to the conservation and improvement of the local environment and quality of life.
Membership draws interested citizens with diverse talents and expertise from across the community who are committed to preserving the quality of Clinton’s environment and helping residents make informed choices about their land.
In addition to its municipal advisory role, the CAC provides in-person and online education for the community; coordinates and supports studies, surveys, and inventories of natural and manmade features; and maintains a current inventory of maps and file data for natural resources, open space, wetlands, and land use.
To learn more, visit the Town of Clinton CAC website.
The CAC is composed of 3 to 9 residents. Staggered terms, even number of two-year terms, the others one-year terms. Of the members, one chairperson for a one-year term, appointed by the Town Board.
CAC Members:
- Barbara Mansell, Chairperson
Term: 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2024
Member Term: 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2024
Contact: - Michael Hurd
Term: 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2025 - Vacant
Term: 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2025 - Jean McAvoy
Term: 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2024 - Margaret Pierpont
Term: 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2024 - Lynne Morrell
Term: 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2024 - Joe Phelan
Term: 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2024 - Jenn Brown
Term: 1/1/24-12/31/2025 - Deborah Valchar
Term: 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2025
Katherine Mustello, Town Board Liaison
Agendas & Minutes
What is the Natural Resources Inventory?
The Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) is a written document and a collection of twenty maps that provide detailed information about the naturally occurring resources in the Town of Clinton. The NRI describes topography, geology and land-use history and includes information on water, soil and forests as well wetlands and wildlife.
An inventory can be the foundation for comprehensive land-use and conservation planning and provide the natural-resource information needed for local planning and zoning. It can help decision-makers consider community priorities such as adaptation for climate change and protection of water, open space and scenic views.
To learn more, visit the NRI Page on the Town of Clinton CAC website.
To read or download the Natural Resources Inventory here.
To view or download the maps here.
Other CAC & CSC Reports & Inventories:
Green House Gas Inventory
The Town of Clinton recognizes that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from human activity are causing climate change, the consequences of which pose substantial risks to the future health and well-being of our community. To demonstrate its commitment to addressing the growing threat of climate change, in July 2017, Clinton became a registered Climate Smart Community by formally adopting the New York State Climate Smart Communities (CSC) pledge.
This GHG Inventory for Government Operations Report summarizes the GHG emissions from Clinton’s consumption of energy and materials within town-owned buildings, vehicle fleet, outdoor lighting, and other facilities. This data was generated from electric, heating oil, diesel, gasoline and propane bills for all Town-owned buildings and operations, as well as fuel records for the Clinton’s vehicle fleet. The GHG emissions for all local government operations are measured in metric tons of CO2 equivalents (MTCO2e) and were calculated using emissions factors by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the GHG Inventory Tool developed by Climate Action Associates (CAA), LLC’s.
Town of Clinton Benchmark Report
The Town of Clinton Benchmarking Project is part of a larger effort by the CAC and the Climate Smart Community Task Force to qualify the town as a Clean Energy Community under the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (hereinafter “NYSERDA”) and as a Climate Smart Community, jointly managed by NYSERDA and a number of other New York State agencies and authorities. The benchmarking project is part of the town’s application for Climate Smart Community Bronze Certification.