Climate Smart Community (CSC) Task Force

Regular Meeting Schedule:

Climate Smart Committee Meetings: The CSC meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 PM in the Masonic Hall meeting room. All are welcome.

Clinton: A Climate Smart Community (Working Toward Bronze level)

Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. The CSC is an ad hoc committee of the Town’s CAC. As a town completes actions that help mitigate climate change at the local level, they are able to progress through three levels of CSC certification: bronze, silver, and gold.

The Town of Clinton created a Climate Smart Community Task Force in 2018, and the Town Board adopted the CSC pledge in the spring of 2021, officially registering us as a Climate Smart Community. The CSC Task Force meets monthly to pursue goals that will qualify the town for the first level, Bronze Certification.

To learn more and keep up with our progress, visit the Town of Clinton CAC website.

CSC Task Force

The CSC Task Force consists of a local government official, local government staff members, residents, and other stakeholders. Members serve staggered two-year terms and there is an open number of members. Term: January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025:

  1. Joseph Phelan, Chair, Member of CAC
  2. Charles Canham, ZBA
  3. Vacant
  4. Todd Martin, Highway Superintendent

Term: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024:

  1. Jean McAvoy, CAC Member
  2. Richard Marshall
  3. Paul Ruud
  4. Leslie Power
  5. Melissa Karchmer
  6. Jack Persley


CSC - Resources & Information

Climate Smart Committee:

Link to: Town of Clinton NRI

To learn more, visit the: Town of Clinton CAC website.