Clinton Nature Trail

About: Funds for the purpose of enhancing Open Space were given to the towns in Dutchess County where the Iroquois Pipeline was run, carrying Natural Gas from Canada to New York City. In 1992, the Town of Clinton used these funds to purchase 24.2 acres to become the Clinton Nature Trail.

Wildlife: Barn Swallows, Chimney Swifts, and Killdeer nest nearby, in and around the town buildings. Start at the kiosk for a map and brochure.  In the spring and summer, the trail around the meadow has Eastern Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, and House Wrens nesting in the bird boxes; butterflies such as Common Ringlets, Little Wood Satyrs, European Skippers and Pearl Crescents, and dragonflies such as Common Whitetail, Green Darner, Painted Skimmer and Widow Skimmer can be seen. The Streamloop leads to the Little Wappingers Creek through a wooded wetland. Sit on one of the benches by the creek. Catbirds, Eastern Towhee, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Eastern Wood Peewee and Common Yellowthroat can be heard or watch Ebony Jewelwings lay their eggs in the creek. In the spring, Canada and Wilson’s Warblers might be spotted amongst the Hawthorn. Red-tailed, Broad-wing, and Red-shouldered Hawks are regular visitors.

Clinton Nature Trail map

Location: 1215 Centre Rd (Dutchess CR18),  Rhinebeck, NY 12572  GSP: 41.8844, -73.8039


  • From Salt Point Village take Dutchess CR18 north 6 miles to Clinton Town Hall on the left.
  • From Dutchess CR19 (Bulls Head/Slate Quarry), take CR18 south 2 miles to Clinton Town Hall on right

 Walking Distance: Less than 1 mile (easy). Allow 1 hour.

Town Seal