Volunteers Needed for the Conservation Advisory Council

The Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) is looking to tap into our greatest natural resource, the residents of Clinton.

The CAC has been diligently working for many years to protect and preserve the natural beauty and resources of the Town of Clinton, striving to maintain our small-town atmosphere and rural character. The CAC is charged with advising municipal bodies (Town Board, Planning Board, etc.) and promoting wise use of the town’s natural resources. Membership draws interested citizens from across the Clinton community and includes a diversity of talent and expertise. The common commitment is a sincere dedication to preserving the quality of the environment.

The Clinton CAC is an essential community group whose approach to sustainability recognizes that everyone making small changes results in big differences collectively. As such, it is critical that we establish and nurture relationships with all area stakeholders, including government, schools, businesses, faith groups, other community groups and individuals from all over Clinton.

Our current projects include:

  • Building a Climate Smart Task Force to continue work in the Climate Smart Communities (CSC) program (https://climatesmart.ny.gov/). This program establishes ways to increase energy efficiency through use of renewable energy sources, while reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced and increasing resiliency to impacts of climate change.
  • The creation of Pollinator Pathways throughout Clinton focusing on establishing native pollinator-friendly habitats and food sources for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinating insects and wildlife. It encourages property owners to avoid the use of pesticides, herbicides, and lawn chemicals and manage the removal of invasive plant species. (https://www.pollinator-pathway.org/)

The CAC webpage can be found on the town’s website: https://www.townofclinton.com/government/conservation-advisory-council/

The Town of Clinton CAC Annual Report for 2020 can be found: https://www.townofclinton.com/wp-content/uploads/Town-of-Clinton-CAC-Annual-Report-2020.pdf

If you are interested in joining us in this important work, please contact Barbara Mansell, CAC Chair – Barb@mansell.org

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