1-16-2024 Cornerstone Public Hearing Cancellation
Due to inclement weather today, the Planning Board Meeting tonight is cancelled. Thank you for your understanding.
Due to inclement weather today, the Planning Board Meeting tonight is cancelled. Thank you for your understanding.
Cornerstone retroactive SP PB legal notice 1-16-24
Schwarcz NonHosted STR 173 Spruce Lane 12-19-2023 Pham NonHosted STR 1473 Hollow Road 12-19-2023
Schoellinberger variance ZBA legal ad 12-12-23 Cogdell and Bonk variance ZBA legal ad 12-12-23 Morse variance ZBA legal ad 12-12-23
Stewarts freezer variance ZBA legal ad 10-26-23
DeMello Ground Mounted SES variance ZBA revised legal ad 9-28-23
Hagopian NonHosted STR 241 Fox Run 9-5-2023 Dutchess Reserve LLC aka Pumpkin 5 lot subdivision Public Hearing 09-05-23
Anwari variance 81 Milan Hollow ZBA legal ad 8-31-23
Upstate Modernist NonHosted STR 722 Slate Quarry 8-15-2023 Levin Site Plan for Ground Mounted SES 8-15-23
Levin Site Plan for Ground Mounted SES 8-01-23 Ransbottom 204 Rhynders Road Site Plan for Ground Mounted SES 8-01-23 Dutchess Reserve LLC aka Pumpkin 5 lot subdivision Public Hearing 08-01-23 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10xkLTqxWywvQWqbLIrf_rFa011hRbxs3?usp=drive_link
Levin variance ZBA legal ad 7-27-23